Timeless Leadership Lessons for Innovators by Doug Brown
At DIA, we believe innovation isn’t just about technology — it’s about people and leadership. I was reminded of this recently when I came across a list from one of my old marketing professors at Duke’s Fuqua School of Business, Dr. Ken Davis. Back in 1983, on the last day of class, he said something that has stuck with me for over 40 years: “You won’t remember anything you learned from me, but I have this short list of characteristics of good managers that I’ve picked up over my lifetime. Maybe you can at least remember these to help you in your careers.”
I took his words seriously, and I typed up that list when I got home. I’ve referred to it many times since. While this was shared in the context of “management,” I think it’s equally applicable to leadership, innovation, and teamwork — everything we stand for at DIA as we continue to drive dental innovation forward.
Here at DIA, we're constantly looking for ways to evolve, but the core qualities that make great leaders and innovators haven't changed. Dr. Davis’ list is a reminder that timeless principles guide us, no matter how much technology advances.
What resonates most with you from the list? I'd love to hear your thoughts as we continue pushing the boundaries of dental innovation together.
What Makes A Good Manager?
Ten Characteristics by Dr. Kenneth Davis
1) Ability to integrate, to see relationships
2) Quick and continuous response to change
3) De-emphasis on techniques- management is often an art
4) Respect for conventional wisdom
5) Keeping informed
6) Key issue orientation- concentrating on important matters
7) Sensitivity of organization's capacity- you can't always "run a tight ship
8) Sense of direction
9) Future-oriented- eye for new products, markets and services
10) Ability to identify, develop and hold "top flight" people
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